Rules made by the Bar
Council of India in exercise of
its rule making powers under the Advocates Act, 1961
its rule making powers under the Advocates Act, 1961
- VI
- II
Standards of
Professional Conduct and Etiquette
(Rules under Section
49 (1) (c) of the Act read with the Proviso thereto)
“6. An advocate shall not enter appearance, act, plead or practise in any
way before a court, Tribunal or Authority mentioned in Section 30 of the Act,
if the sole or any member thereof is related to the advocate as father,
grandfather, son, grand-son, uncle, brother, nephew, first cousin, husband,
wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, father-in-law, mother-in-law,
son-in-law, brother-in-law daughter-in-law or sister-in-law.
the purposes of this rule, Court shall mean a Court, Bench or Tribunal in which
above mentioned relation of the Advocate is a Judge, Member or the Presiding
Section 30 of the ADVOCATES ACT, 1961 is as follows:
“30. Right
of advocates to practise.—Subject to provisions of this Act, every advocate
whose name is entered in the State roll shall be entitled as of right to
practise throughout the territories to which this Act extends,—
in all courts
including the Supreme Court;
before any tribunal or person legally
authorised to take evidence;
and before any other authority or person before
whom such advocate is by or under any law for the time being in force entitled
to practise”
The definition and explanation are clear in the given terms,
which does not require any further elaboration. Whereas the said rule is blatantly
violated in all courts, right from the Supreme Court of India to the lower
courts, all over India, to which the legal fraternity is turning a blind eye,
causing erosion of justice, equity and good consciousness. The claim that the judges deliver the
judgments in accordance with the merits, and not in accordance with the relation
with the counsel appeared, is an affront to the reason. If a judge is biased, it's
equivalent to pre-empting the justice. It is not only justice be done, but
shall be seen to be done. The judiciary is a sacrosanct institution, which
belongs to the nation, not to certain families. The nation demands justice, not
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