Sunday, 11 October 2015

meeting of the members and the sympathisers of the "Campaign for Home for All" will be held at my office at  Fort, Mumbai at 5.30 pm on 12.10.2015.

🙏My most esteemed brothers and sisters,
🌹A meeting of the members and the sympathisers of the "Campaign for Home for All" will be held at my office at  Fort, Mumbai at 5.30 pm on 12.10.2015.
🌹All in the MJN Clients' Group, so too of the Team N&N, Advocates and staff are requested to be present. The attendance is compulsory, though, the   only whip I carry is a moral one. I have protected a large number of the  members in my clients Group from being dispossessed of their homes, shanties , office premises and properties.🌠 Therefore, I believe they have a moral duty to whole heartedly support me in  my initiative to make  the  dream  of the homeless ,so too the millions who live in match box like apartments and in the most inhuman conditions,nay,in dirt and filth  in the  slums to dream of a liveable  home.🌠 I am taking this initiative because I believe I can contribute my mite to the cause, howsoever, helpless and inconsequential I could be, and no doubt, I would appear to be in the eyes of those who will ridicule and condemn me of this initiative. 🌠 My answer is: the solutions to the difficult problems are not difficult at all. The solutions are simple.🌠What is that one would  need?🌹Answer is simple:Only an idea. 🌹A good idea;that is all🌠
The solution is simple:
Allow the city to go vertical. Utilise the 1/3rd of the 5000 hectares of salt pans in the city for  housing.It is senseless to keep salt pans when land in Mumbai are more  precious than  even gold.🌠 Convert the 1/3rd  into Parks. Not into lawns; but to a real man made garden /forest.🌠.1/3rd for housing stock.🌠1/3rd for offices,shops and malls.🌠Protect the mangroves by setting up large number of sewage treatment plants which will ensure that the mangroves and marine life is saved.🌠Remember, the still water is where the fishes breed and when the still water is as highly polluted as it is today, when the water contains no oxygen at all but only toxins,the mangroves fail to serve it's most important use as a breeding ground  of the marine life.🌠 Toxins in the water Mangroves too.🌠The answer to congestion is greater  congestion only.🌠Allowing the city spread into thousands of kilometres which is the case with Delhi is no answer.🌠For a public transport system to be profitable and to be workable, high density of population is a must.🌠Delhi has more vehicles than the cities of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras,put together.It has more more roads than all the said three cities,nay,even  Bangalore be added.Yet, there is so much of traffic jam in Delhi .🌠That is the reason why the Government is ushering in the idea of a smart city at Rohini,close to Delhi .🌠Am not saying my views are infallible. 🙏All opinions and views are welcome. 🙏Before I part with,I may add that the injustice at hands of the HC judges who enjoy all the comforts of life and power,abusing that  power to render thousands homeless,nay ordering that the water supply to the Shanties be disconnected, their shanties be demolished, electric supply be disconnected,the horrible atrocities on the poor ,the slum dwellers, the pavement dwellers   is what that has made me take this initiative  🌹🙏
Mathews J Nedumpara.

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