Thursday, 22 October 2015

NJAC Judgement

💪🌹NJAC Judgement:
Dear All,
When you are a small group,as  the history would  teach us ,the tyrants would gang up against the ring leaders of those who challenge their authority and eliminate them and with the elimination the ring leaders, the very challenge to their authority would have come to an end. However, when the masses revolt, the tyrant is killed and the tyranny is brought to an end. What I have stated above is equally applicable to the current tyranny of the higher judiciary which legendary Krishna iyer lamented to be a "courtostrophy";a product of the nonsense jurisprudence called PIL.The jurisprudence of PIL is nothing but the unelected judges and their chamchas and sycophants in the bar and sometimes even in the press  acting as the  executive and the legislature, nay,both, in substitution thereof, usurping to themselves the role of the executive and legislature, all at once. The Judgement of the SC in the NJAC is a classical example of the judges nakedly asserting their tyranny. The very democracy is in peril.It is time that the 125 crore people of this country fight to preserve the democracy through all constitutional, legal and democratic and peaceful means.
Mathews J Nedumpara, President,
The National lawyers campaign for Judicial Transparency and Reforms, Mumbai.

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