Friday, 1 April 2016

The General Body Meeting of the National Lawyers' Campaign for Judicial Transparency and Reforms, Mumbai will be held at it's registered office 304 , Hari Chambers, Fort, Mumbai on Wednesday,the 6th of April 2016 at 5.30pm .

Dear All,
The General Body Meeting of the   National Lawyers' Campaign for Judicial Transparency and Reforms, Mumbai will be held at it's registered office 304 , Hari Chambers, Fort, Mumbai on  Wednesday,the 6th of April 2016 at 5.30pm .The main agenda of the meeting is to discuss the ways and means by which the Campaign could be strengthened and eventually converted into a mass movement. Inducting more people as members, therefore, is paramount. We need  elect a few eminent men among ourselves as office bearers as well. Though the campaign is titled "Lawyers' Campaign " the Memorandum of Association of the Campaign permit admission as members non lawyers as well.Lot of ordinary people have shown great interest in the Campaign. I would say,even more than lawyers themselves. Therefore , in a short span of time, the Campaign will have the words "lawyers " substituted by the words"people"  or simply, the National Campaign for Judicial Transparency and Reforms. I prefer the later,namely,the National Campaign for Judicial Transparency and Reforms .I request all of you to attend the General Body Meeting. So also to bring as many friends of you who empathise with our noble cause as well. The membership of the Assn is open to all and no membership fee is collected. It is a myth,a falsehood,that an organisation to survive and prosper it requires money. What is required is men and women who are passionate about the noble cause we seek to propogate and secure through this Campaign.
Mathews J Nedumpara, President, The National Lawyers' Campaign for Judicial Transparency and Reforms, Mumbai.
The NLC will be holding a meeting on the 11th of April 2016 at it's office in Delhi as well for the convenience of our esteemed brothers and sisters in Delhi ;namely, Chamber no.47 of the SCI

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